
Archive for May, 2009

RSpec Reporting Tool

May 28, 2009 1 comment

Reports play a vital role in software testing. It provides results and more information which is the basis of our analysis and recommendations as software quality assurance.

Rspec gem provides an easy way of generating a report in our Selenium tests. Here are important things to remember:

1. Include the following commands in your spec file.


2. Create a method in your session that will rename your selenium driver instance to “selenium_driver”. (See lines 22-24)


3. Run your spec in two ways:

Option 1: From the console, go to your spec folder and manually type below command right after you invoked “spec <spec_filename>.rb”

rspec command

e.g. spec user_spec.rb –require ‘rubygems,selenium/rspec/reporting/selenium_test_report_formatter’ –format=Selenium::RSpec::SeleniumTestReportFormatter:./reports/tests_report.html

where “user_spec.rb” is your spec filename

Option 2: Create a rake file  and require Rspec report formatter options, like the one below

rspec rakefile

From the console,

– go to the folder where you saved your rake file

– type rake -T or rake –tasks (this will display all the available tasks defined in your rakefile)

– invoked the task that will run your spec file by typing rake <task_name>, in my case ->> rake run:spec

Hint hint hint: Preferably intall ruby gem syntax to properly highlight the codes prior to running your tests.

And whalla! This setup will automatically generate an html report just like this everytime you run your spec files:

rspec report

Categories: selenium Tags: , , ,

Running my Testlink Selenium scripts in IRB

May 22, 2009 1 comment

Here’s a simple documentation on how I execute my Testlink scripts via IRB:

1. Install the following in my local box:

  • Ruby and RubyGems
  • Testlink

2. Created the following ruby files located in the specified folder

..\project_folder\lib\testlink.rb –> An instance of selenium client driver for Testlink session

..\project_folder\lib\user.rb –> User class where methods pertaining to user is defined

..\project_folder\rakefile.rb –> File containing my rake tasks

3. Go To XAMPP Control Panel, start Apache  and MySql services

4. Launch Console and do the following

go to distribution file (d:\qa-training\gmangalo\lib)
run rake tasks (type rake –tasks OR rake -T)
start your server (type selenium:rc:start)
load your irb (type irb)
require your file (type require ‘user’)
create an instance of your session (type session_name =

e.g. session =

create an instance of your user passing the created session (type user_name =

e.g. user =

start your session (type session_name.start)

e.g. session.start

go to URL’s login page (type “URL PAGE”)

e.g. “/testlink/login.php”

At this point I can now play around with the application via console using the methods defined.

Categories: selenium Tags: , , ,

Favicon tricks in WordPress and Blogger/Blogspot

May 20, 2009 3 comments


If you’re using a free account in WordPress, here’s a two-step trick to add favicon on your WordPress blog.

No need to upload, generate favicon file, download and edit header HTML. Just follow these easy steps:

1. First, you need an image. Personalized it, probably this would eat most of your time than actual setting it as your favicon 🙂

2. Go to Dashboard, select General > Settings. Under Blog Picture, upload the image you want to set as your favicon then SAVE picture

Whalla!!! You have now an instant favicon in your WordPress 🙂

blog picture that works like favicon

blog picture that works like favicon


For Blogspot users, we are lucky to have access on the HTML settings of our blog.

1. Again you also need a copy of the image in JPG format.

2. Go to Favicon Generator, select the desired image to upload and click ” Create Favicon.”

3. Right click on the generated icon and save image as PNG in your desired location.

4. Login to your Blogspot account, create a new post and upload your favicon as an image. With this, Blogger hosts the image and allocates a URL for the uploaded PNG. You need to save this post as draft but not necessarily publish it, only for your icon to be hosted. From the post, copy the image URL as highlighted below.


5. In your Dashboard, go to Layout > Edit HTML. In between<head> and</head> tags, paste the following codes:

<link href='favicon URL source' rel='shortcut icon'/>

6. Edit href by replacing the image URL you copied from your post. This time it should look like this:

<link href='
6UQNJlXNIT8/s320/g.png' rel='shortcut icon'/>

7. Save your template. And now you can view your favicon in your Blogger page.


Simply amazing =) I enjoyed setting it both in my WordPress and Blogspot pages.

Categories: blogging Tags: , , ,